Yo, this is red, the third member of nekomimi music. Unlike soc, my posts will be mostly about anime and anime music in general. After all, I'm not a remixer :p . But before writting further about anime, I think it is in order for me to do a quick presentation. So yea, like soc said, I'm a canadian and a quebecer to be more precise (for those who do not know what that is, think "french canadian"). Beside going to college and getting drunk with friends, I spend most of my time watching anime and playing games. Yea, that's pretty geeky, but do you know many geeks who enjoy history, politic, philosophy, anime, videogames, hockey, tabletop roleplaying, computers and french litterature? Beside me, I do not, but I wish I did

. My favorite videogame composer is
Motoi Sakuraba (think tales of phantasia and star ocean) and I don't really have a favorite anime music composer (Yoko kanno is pretty good though).
So, now that this is done, let's talk about anime. Lately, I have been watching this anime called
Welcome to the NHK . I'm guessing most of you have already hear of it (if not, give yourself some good time by watching the first episode. You shouldn't regret it) and this is not really the best space to discuss it. What I'd like to talk about more precisely is the
first ending. I have recently gotten the single for this song (Odoru akachan ningen) and it is quite awesome. It contains 2 other songs beside Odoru akachan ningen, which are all pseudo j-metal stuff. I highly recommend getting it if you ever find it anywhwere. Even if it's only 3 songs, believe me, it's worth it.
So, I guess this is enough for today. I am already getting ideas for future entries, but for that you guys will have to wait :p .