A few weeks ago, a friend caught my attention with his claim that the new series Moretsu Pirates (officially "Bodacious Space Pirates" in English, although Stormshrug insists on calling it Hot Pirates) had the worst OP sequence he'd ever seen. Now, I've seen a lot of OPs in my day, and some of them are pretty bad, but nothing stood out as being seriously the worst of the bunch, so I went and checked it out -- sure enough, the Moretsu Pirates OP is pretty bad: everything about it is kind of scattered and inconsistent, like, what are they even trying to achieve here? Is it a show about hot girls in space? Is it a serious space opera with exploding ships and stuff? And the song itself, by the always-peculiar group Momoiro Clover, is just as confused: is it supposed to be heavy metal? Light seiyuu pop? Is it supposed to be like the campy-yet-strangely-catchy Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko OP? I'm not sure.
And yet, after talking with my friend Tsubasa, he tipped me off to the existence of an even worse anime OP from this same season, one that I'm pretty sure after watching it takes the cake for the worst anime OP, ever. It's so bad I want to watch it again but I can't because it's too terrible. I... there are just no words that can capture the experience. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...
Kill Me Baby
So now that you've seen that... first thing's first, my apologies. But I ask of you... what are your candidates for worst OP ever? Can anything top our reigning champion?! ONLY TIME WILL TELL.